What is ChiQat?

ChiQat-Tutor is a Computer Science Intelligent Tutoring System that can help you learn foundational topics in CS. Currently, you can learn about linked lists, binary search trees., and recursion. However, ChiQat is more than just a graphical learning tool: ChiQat carefully monitors your progress and gives you helpful feedback while you are working towards a solution. The system does so by using sophisticated artificial intelligence technology. If you want to learn more about the science behind ChiQat, you will find plenty of information in the papers referenced in the documentation section.

Is ChiQat free?

Yes, ChiQat is free. We hope you will find it useful.

How do I get started with ChiQat?

Here are three simple steps:

  1. Download the latest ChiQat release from the download section.
  2. Make sure you have the latest Java Runtime Environment, ChiQat requires Java 8 or greater.
  3. Extract your ChiQat download, and run the ChiQat.jar file.

Questions? Comments?

Please contact us. You can find our information in the contact section.